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IGCSE Biology (0610)

IGCSE Biology (0610)

Updated for the 2023-25 Syllabus

IGCSE Biology (0610) has many topics and chapters, making it a content-heavy subject. The major challenge while dealing with IGCSE Biology is the apt completion of paper 4 (extended); paper 4s tend to be extremely lengthy and cumbersome to tackle. But don’t get disheartened! Revising and solving many past papers within the time limit will surely boost your performance! Moreover, examiners for IGCSE Biology tend to be lenient towards awarding marks; usually, descriptive questions worth 3-5 marks tend to have 7-10 keywords that increase your probability of gaining a lot of marks.

To help you out with effective and fast IGCSE Biology revision, we have specially designed our notes to be easy to understand and digest. Look out for our special tips and fun facts that will cheer you up for the examination!!

We hope our notes will benefit you in your examinations and help you score an A*!

All the best, and happy revising 🙂

Contents for IGCSE Biology 2023-24:

The following are the topics present in the IGCSE Examinations for the subject Biology under the syllabus revision of 2020-21.

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Characteristics and Classification of Living Organisms- IGCSE Biology
This is the first chapter of IGCSE Biology. Here, with the help of some beautiful images we shall discover the Characteristics of Living Organism.

Characteristics and Classification of Living Organisms

Organisation of the Organism - IGCSE Biology 2020-21
In this Chapter of IGCSE Biology’s Organisation of the Organism, we discuss, compare and contrast between plant cells and animal cells.

Organisation of the Organism

Movement in And Out of Cells - IGCSE Biology 2020-21
In this chapter of IGCSE Biology, we shall take a look at Diffusion and Osmosis in Plant and Animal Cells

Movement in And Out of Cells

Biological Molecules - IGCSE Biology 2020-21 - IGCSE Pro
This chapter of IGCSE Biology talks about the different nutrient types: Carbohydrates, Fats, and Proteins.

Biological Molecules

Enzymes - IGCSE Biology - IGCSE Pro
Enzymes are biological catalysts which speed up the reaction rate without getting involved in the reaction itself. IGCSE Biology


Plant Nutrition- IGCSE Biology- IGCSE Pro
IGCSE Biology’s Plant Nutrition Chapter covers everything from Photosynthesis, and Limiting Factors, to Adaptations in Leaves.

Plant Nutrition

Human Nutrition - IGCSE Biology 2020-21 - IGCSE Pro
IGCSE Biology’s Human Nutrition covers the different nutritional aspects of a Balanced Diet, The Digestive System, and the functions of the Alimentary Canal

Human Nutrition

Transport in Plants - IGCSE Biology 2020-21 - IGCSE Pro
Transport is all about passing nutrients from one place to another to favour the living organism’s growth.

Transport in Plants

Transport in Animals - IGCSE Biology 2020-21 - IGCSE Pro
All about the Circulatory System, Heart, Blood Vessels, Lymph, and Blood Clotting. Basically, everything you need to know for Transport in Animals!

Transport in Animals

Diseases and Immunity - IGCSE Biology 2020 - IGCSE Pro
A complete detailed revision guide to Disease And Immunity as per the IGCSE Biology 2020-21 syllabus, brought to you by IGCSE Pro

Diseases and Immunity

Gas Exchange in Humans - IGCSE Biology 2020-21 - IGCSE Pro
Learn about the structure, and properties of the lungs, as well as limewater test for Carbon dioxide or CO2. A comprehensive review of IGCSE Biology 2020

Gas Exchange in Humans

Respiration- IGCSE Biology 2020-21 - IGCSE Pro
This section of IGCSE Biology covers Aerobic and Anaerobic types of respiration as well as the significance of it.


Excretion in Humans - IGCSE Biology 2020-21 - IGCSE Pro
Excretion is one of the seven life processes and is the process which means the removal of waste and toxic products form the body.

Excretion in Humans

Coordination - IGCSE Biology 2020-21 - IGCSE Pro
In this two part section of IGCSE Biology, we shall be covering the coordination processes in Humans in the nervous system and in Plants through tropisms.


Drugs - IGCSE Biology 2020-21 - IGCSE Pro
A drug is a chemical substance used in treatment, cure, prevention, or diagnosis of diseases, or otherwise used to enhance physical or mental well being.


Reproduction in Plants- IGCSE Biology 2020- IGCSE Pro
A complete detailed revision guide to Reproduction in Plants as per the IGCSE Biology 2020-21 syllabus, brought to you by IGCSE Pro

Reproduction in Plants

Reproduction in Humans - IGCSE Biology 2020- IGCSE Pro
IGCSE Pro brings you Reproduction in Humans, covering everything from reproductive systems, and Menstrual Cycle to HIV transmission. explained using emojis!

Reproduction in Humans

Inheritance - IGCSE Biology 2020 - IGCSE Pro
dNA, Chromosomes, Alleles, Dominant and Recessive Genes, Sex linkage, Pure Breeding, Protein Synthesis. Don’t know what I’m talking about? Click to find out!


Variation and Selection - IGCSE Biology - IGCSE Pro
This chapter covers different types of variation, Mutation, Natural Selection, and Selective Breeding, all updated for the latest IGCSE Biology syllabus.

Variation and Selection

Organisms in their Environment - IGCSE Biology 2021- IGCSE Pro
Energy Flow, Nutrient Cycles, Food Chains and Webs, Population size, the Sigmoid Curve, and more coming this way here in IGCSE Biology at IGCSE Pro.

Organisms in their environment

Biotechnology - IGCSE Biology 2021 - IGCSE Pro
Revision notes for IGCSE Biology Chapter Biotechnology. Yeast, Enzymes, Penicillin, Genetic Engineering, is covered according to the latest syllabus


Human Influences on Ecosystems- IGCSE Biology 2021- IGCSE Pro
The future of our planet is at stake. The Human impact on the Earth is paramount. Read on to find out why, and what can be done before it is too late.

Human Influences on Ecosystems

Alternatively, you can access our IGCSE Biology revision notes through the links below:

1. Characteristics and Classification of Living Organisms
2. Organisation of the Organism
3. Movement In and Out of Cells
4. Biological Molecules
5. Enzymes
6. Plant Nutrition
7. Human Nutrition
8. Transport in Plants
9. Transport in Animals
10. Diseases and Immunity
11. Gas Exchange in Humans
12. Respiration
13. Excretion in Humans
14. Coordination and Response
15. Drugs
16. Reproduction - The Plant Edition
17. Reproduction - The Human Edition
18. Inheritance
19. Variation and Selection
20. Organisms and their environment
21. Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering
22. Humans Influences on Ecosystems

Related resources to help you get an A* for your IGCSE Biology Examinations

IGCSE Biology Syllabus - IGCSE Pro
View and download the IGCSE Biology syllabus. There have been a few notable changes to the 2023-25 version, which will be discussed in this post.
IGCSE Biology revision resources
Concepts in IGCSE Biology can be complicated to understand. Using PHET Colorado’s simulators, you can supercharge your revision and get an A*
How to use topical past papers to help you get an A*
Topical past papers are a great way to revise for the IGCSE examinations. Here is a compilation of past papers for IGCSE Biology by the topic.

Message from the IGCSE Pro team as of May 3, 2024:

We have officially updated and uploaded revision notes for all chapters for IGCSE Biology. Phew! The process took us a hot second. More subjects lined up in the weeks to come. Till then, don't forget to tell your mum how awesome IGCSE Pro is;)